VS Code
Set Plugin Storage Location
Add the --extensions-dir
parameter in the shortcut to specify the plugin storage location
D:\App\VSCode\Code.exe --extensions-dir "D:\App\VSCode\extensions"
Common Plugins
Auto Rename TagAuto Close TagEditorConfig for VS CodeCSS PeekEslintDartFlutterGoto Definition aliasIconify IntelliSenseLive ServerPostCss Language SupportTurbo Console LogUnoCSSvscode-iconsVueVue - OfficialVue 3 SnippetsAstroPath IntellisenseOne Dark ProGit HistoryGitHub CopilotIntelliJ IDEA
Configure Other File Storage Locations in Configuration Files
This configuration file is applicable to the IntelliJ IDEA series of IDEs, such as WebStorm, PyCharm, etc.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize a path to the settings directory.
# idea.config.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/config
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize a path to the caches directory.
# idea.system.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/system
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize a path to the user-installed plugins directory.
# idea.plugins.path=${idea.config.path}/plugins
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize a path to the logs directory.
# idea.log.path=${idea.system.path}/log